Tips, Tricks, and Good Karma for playing
online at
Here is a random assortment of tips and tricks to make your playing experience more enjoyable...
There is even a SECRET for getting good poker karma listed near the bottom...
Usually 2 events going on at the same time and you are encouraged to play in BOTH! When we have online events for our Vegas or Tahoe Promo, usually we have two tournaments going on at the same time. A "Main" event and a "2nd Chance" event. Often times they are exactly the same prizes. It is easy to play two events online at the same time and it adds to the fun/excitement. Plus, when you get knocked out of one, you've still got another chance in the other. Twice the fun! Late registration only last usually one hour so don't wait until you get knocked out of one before trying to sign up for the other.
To change your player Avitar: On the main Lobby window, click on "Account" and then "Change Info". You can select between 64 different avitars.
Showing your cards: There are two different ways/times that you can show your cards to the entire table at the end of a hand that doesn't involve a showdown....
If someone bets and you are going to fold and you are the last person remaining in the hand (other than the bettor) you can click on the little radio button above the betting area that says "Show on fold". This will allow you to fold your hand but show your cards to the entire table.
Or, if you are the winner of the hand and nobody called your bet on the river (everyone folded) you can adjust a setting in the poker software that gives you the option each time whether you want to muck your hand or show your hand. To give yourself this option you need to do the following... Go to the main Lobby window. Click on "Options" and then "Table Settings" and then unclick the "Auto-Muck" option. Then, you will have the abilty to show your cards on the river when you bet and everyone folds (...but only if you want to show on any particular hand).
Play anytime you want! You and your friends are welcome to log into the poker site anytime you want to play in ring games or Sit-N-Gos for fun. If you ever would like me to set up a private tournament for just you and your friends (with your own password) let me know and I would be happy to do it. My only requirement is that it is never for real money...always just for fun/bragging rights. Just email me at: and let me know what type of tournament you would like and when.
If your player account ever falls below $1000 in play chips (for example, when you are playing in Ring games or Sit-N-Gos), you can receive more chips by going to the Lobby window, clicking on "Account" and then "Request more chips". It will set your balance to 1000.
Rotate your Seat position: If at a particular table you want to rotate your seat to a different location you can. Just click on the "Menu" link on the top left of the poker table screen and then click on "Rotate Seats".
Tip: If your screen ever gets stuck during a hand and it looks like nothing is happening (which is pretty rare), you might need to refresh your browser. This will quickly log you back in and your refreshed window should pop right up.
Tip: The game is easiest to play on a laptop, desktop, or iPad. It can also be played on a tablet or even your phone (...but everything becomes pretty small).
Tip: Different browsers present the poker tables differently. You should be able to see BOTH your poker tables at the same time (if you are playing in two tournaments simultaneously). If not, try a different browser. Firefox, Chrome, IE, and others should all work fine.
Tip: You can reposition your table windows by dragging them. You can also enlarge the table by grabbing and dragging the lower right corner of the poker table window.
Checking on your position, chip counts, etc: During the tournament, if you want to see who all the players are and how many chips everyone has, you can. Go to the Lobby Tournament window. Click once on the tournament you are interested in. Then click on "Players". It will show you everyone and all their chips. You can sort by name (to look up a friend). Or you can sort by Chip Count to see who the leaders are.
Putting Notes on people: If you want to put notes on a player (so you can remember how they have played before) you can do so. All you need to do is click on a player once and then click on "Notes" and type whatever info you want. Then, anytime in the future when you hover your mouse over a player it will show you what notes you have on them.
Tip: If there is ever a glitch on the screen, you should be able to clear it up by clicking on "Menu" on the table window and then "Refresh Table". If that doesn't work, try logging out and back in. If that doesn't work, try clearing your browser cache and then logging back in or trying a different browser. Thankfully, very few people have reported any issues like this. If you see anything weird during the game feel free to send me an email with details. If you can grab a screenshot of the issue that would be even better. Thanks!
How to get GOOD POKER KARMA: Be kind to your host! :-) Chris Simone enjoys putting on these free poker tournaments with some great prizes. One of his motivations for doing this is because it is a fun way to promote his Bay Area real estate busines. Chris is one of the best and highest producing real estate agents in the entire Bay Area with over 25 years of experience. He has personally handle over 350 residential real estate transactions in the Bay Area. If you know anyone thinking about Buying or Selling a home please reach out to Chris ( or call/text him at (408)772-7113). He is happy to provide you with a free, no obligation consultation. If you or someone you know is looking to Buy a home CLICK HERE or Sell a home CLICK HERE. You will be in very good hands!
Hope that helps! Good luck!